Steps to Take After a House Fire | SERVPRO® of Gwinnett County South
6/11/2020 (Permalink)

Having a house fire strike your home is a fearful and overwhelming life experience. Whether it was extinguished immediately or continued on to become severe, the damage caused by a house fire can be far-reaching and difficult to deal with.
In order to help you recover, we have included some things to remember in order to pick up the pieces from a house fire and be able to continue on with life.
Picking Up the Pieces Following a House Fire
Prepare yourself for what to expect. Though many of us are familiar with fire damage in the abstract, seeing it firsthand in a way that impacts your own life is a different experience altogether. Prepare yourself before you enter your home, and remember that fire damage can often impact areas that were not even near the flames due to the way that smoke and soot can travel.
Wait to enter your home. While springing into action is a common reaction following a house fire, it is important that you are not doing anything that could put you in harm’s way. Fires can lead to structural issues for a home, and entering too early could put you at risk. Be sure to check with officials to make sure it is completely safe before you attempt to go back into the home.
Contact your insurance company. Filing a fire insurance claim is different with every provider, so getting in touch with yours to learn more about the process will help you make sure you follow the right protocols and get the most out of your claim.
Document the damages. Creating an inventory list and taking plenty of photos is a great way to stay organized and not accidentally leave something out. Go room by room to document the damages to your belongings and structures so you have clear records both for your benefit and to ease the difficulties of filing an insurance claim.
Contact your restoration company. The aftermath of a fire can be emotionally taxing to deal with, which is why we always recommend working with a reputable, professional restoration company to make things easier on your family. A good restoration crew will give you immeasurable peace of mind so you can worry less about the recovery process and focus more on healing.
If your home is damaged in a house fire, you can count on us to help you. Get in touch at any hour for a quick response.